This is the first draft of a film project created using found reinterpreted internet footage to express the extremes of the human existence . The idea first came through seeing a lot of internet art or post net art that only seemed to superficially explore this medium through meme art or sci fi cgi etc . I wondered if the a piece of art could be made that was serious using the net art template . I wanted the create a work that would give me a powerful transcendent . I wanted to create something that gave you a intense feeling , that made you question your whole existence especially when dealing with lowbrow porn or gore site images ...that aren't the most beautiful fine art but I was willing to use this as a vessel to make something that might resemble art.Through the experience of sex and death artificial and real dualistically , to elevate these things into something more meaningful or not just basic shock or gore tactics ... maybe I succeeded maybe I did not that's for others to decide and not for me to comment on . What would it be like to watch something that you were not experiencing in real life and feel like you were experiencing those extremes authentically in your body .The film also acts as a ritual spiritual conduct reflecting on the ideologies of cabala and jewish mysticism in a modern era the old world merging with the new .The work uses the idealogical aspects of spirituality that by extremes the human can transgress to a higher enlightened star of being . This being referenced as nirvana or the void a higher state of spiritual conscious awareness attained outside of the mundane ego. The film questions if despite not experiencing these extremes in our lived in bodies .But as a secondary vessel online can we also virtually transgress outside of our lived in bodies .The original idea was to create these video art pieces from low found footage exploring these major themes as high or fine art then feed it back as a platform uploaded on the sites of the footages original origin like Heavy R etc .Another concept was to keep adding to this film constantly as a cultural barometer of the internet and its more subversive content , in that the human experience in its base exploration extends.Obviously this work could be exhibited as a video art installation but I also thought the idea of VR if a person could engage in a type of experience of sex , death , transcendence though interacting with the work. COPYRIGHT(C) ANGELA EDWARDS 2021